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Florida Statistics


TAN ’92-’93 Annual Report page 5 Statistics Chart, 1992-1993.

Florida started to fight AIDS in 1981 through the state health office of HRS. A formal surveillance program was started in 1983 with a statewide education program starting in 1985. HRS also started a notification program whereby persons who had had intimate contact with a person who had tested positive for HIV would be discreetly notified, counseled and advised to get tested.  Unfortunately, since the disease first became known in the 1980s, Florida’s population has always been a frontrunner in the amount of people infected with HIV/AIDS.  As of the 1992 Florida State Health report, Florida was ranked number three in the nation (only behind New York and California). Most of the people infected with the disease (64%) are between the ages of 20-39. Unfortunately, at this time Florida was ranked number two in the number of children and adolescents infected with the HIV/AIDS virus.  As of 2009, Florida ranked number two in the nation for number of AIDS diagnoses (only behind New York). At this time, Florida also ranked number three in the nation for the number of cumulative AIDS cases. This increase of individuals with HIV/AIDS is most likely because of several factors.  For one, Florida’s climate entices many people to move or vacation there.  This allows for a greater chance of the disease not only being introduced to Florida, but also to be spread among individuals.  Florida also has a large gay community, which unfortunately can foster the spread of this disease.  Regrettably, among gay males the disease is spread easily when proper protection is not used.  So, therefore, it is not a surprise that Florida has always had a higher percentage of people infected with the HIV/AIDS virus.